Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

Friday, February 14, 2014

Better than Creek

Another nice morning of small waves in the uppers bay.  Buoys were down to 1@15 from the s and no west; waves were maller than yesterday but very similar in feel.  Beautiful morning, perfect offshore conditions and about 50 degrees; thank God for funboards.  Just the two of us out there at 6 and we started a little higher up the point because the bay wasn't working.  After about 20 minutes, we made our way down there and the rides were so much longer and more lined up.  You wouldn't even notice the wave from the beach because of the steep curve at the shack, but this perfect little 1-2 ft wave pops up and grinds for about 20-30 yards.  The face remains steep and our funboards just glide.  So fun, perfect with the 5 ft. high tide and nobody at our spot to bother us.  A little 10 minute flurry at the end of our session tired both of us out.  Totally worth it again, i love the solitude of winter.

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